The Webshop has a possibility to automatize giftcards. The automation takes advantage of two other important feature of the system: "codes" and "store credit".
Automating giftcards
For example, create a product category called "Giftcards" and within this product category, create several products called "Giftcard 25", "Giftcard 50", "Giftcard 75" with the prices respectively 25, 50, 75€ (these are just examples, you can create giftcards of any value you want).
In order to trigger the giftcard automation, the giftcard products must have the as the
size property the word
How it works
For the products having as size property "giftcard", the system will generate automatically a giftcard code when an order containing such products is marked as paid (for example when the user pays online for the order). The code is automatically generated to be valid for three years from the moment of purchase and has as value the price defined for the product.
After the order is paid the code is send by email to the user who made the order in the webshop. The default email template already includes instructions on how to the code can be redeemed and used, but you can write your own template with more school custom content. The giftcard can also be downloaded as a PDF and the default email template contains a link to the PDF version. In the current implementation, the giftcard design is simple, including the school logo, the giftcard value, code expiry date and the code itsself, with instructions on how the code can be redeemed.
The person who receives the giftcard, must have an account on the system. They can then redeem their code via "My profile" → "Payments" → "Redeem giftcard". The value of the giftcard will be converted to store credit, that can later be used to pay for courses, bookings or other products.
Example of the gift cards in PDF format